3rd Rock Hip Hop is dedicated to using music to increase kids awareness and importance of sustaining the environment.
The 3rd Rock Hip Hop Story
In 2006, Archie Hill, a recording and performing rap artist was first approached by a friend and member of the Sierra Club who challenged him to write a rap song about saving the environment, while still making it sound cool enough for kids to actually enjoy! Jumping at the challenge, Archie created his first environmental rap song entitled “Think Green”. Our team, then went on to attend several Earth Day events, and because of all the positive feedback, we decided to go green with the hip hop style of music.
"I saw so many kids at these events and it dawned on me...The kids are the future, so why not send the message of environmental awareness to them as early as possible?"
- Archie Hill
With Rap/Hip Hop being such a huge part of youth culture today and used in all forms of advertisement and media - we figured it would be the ideal format to relay the message of saving our environment to the hearts and minds of our youth!
3rd Rock Hip Hop was invited to perform “Think Green” at an Earth Day event in Hermosa Beach, California with The Mayor and other Hermosa residents in attendance; receiving a wonderful ovation from what might be considered a very non-rap audience. This performance led to many other performances at a number of elementary schools in Manhattan Beach and throughout the LA area. "The response from the kids, staff, and parents inspired us to write other green raps such as, “Pick it Up”, the recycling song and “Waste Not Want Not”, the conservation song, to name a few".
This is where the concept of 3rd Rock Hip Hop was born!

List of schools in the Los Angeles area where 3rd Rock has performed:
1. Grand View ES
2. Pennekamp ES
3. Manhattan Beach MS
4. American Martyrs ES
5. Jane Addams MS
6. Leuzinger HS
7. Kelso ES
8. Berendo MS
9. John Muir ES
10. Thomas Starr King MS
11. David Starr Jordan MS
12. Franklin Classical MS
13. Cesar Chavez MS
14. Will Rogers MS
15. Lou Dantzler Prep. ES
16. Hudnall ES
17. Worthington ES
18. Payne ES
19. Carthay Center ES
20. Leo Politi ES
21. Magruder MS
22. Vista Del Valle ES
23. Parras MS